Death of Caesar

Okay, so this is my first post... don't really know what to say... I think I shall start with the background of my blog title. I call it Caesar Salad cuz it was inspired by Julius Caesar and I don't know if you can see it clearly, but there are like humans er... forming the blood/cap of the toadstool (toadstools are poisonous by the way) and the stalk of the fungi has skulls merged with it. A bit morbid, but you know me... loves sadistic pineapples but before pineapples, i was crazy over mushrooms and toadstools don't ask me why. I did this last year and I intended it to look creepier... don't know if I succeeded in that aspect. The lemon slices, cherry tomatoes, and random vegetables are just there as food deco, and to contribute to the 'salad'... the main subject is, of course, the toadstool. I've always imagined this kind of poisonous mushrooms as red and white. The red was convenient as not only does it say: warning! I am poisonous and not to be eaten! but it's also the color of blood (albeit a bit too bright red for real blood but i thought this shade of red would stand out more so...) As for the stalk, I didn't exactly color it white cuz white is a bit too plain and I don't think the stalks of real mushrooms and toadstools are really white anyways, so I used beige and conveniently added skulls (which are also things that are white-ish in color) to it. I used the melting wax of candles as reference for this part.  Did I mention the toadstool is black/hollow inside and is purposely colored to make it look half rotten? And the part where the knife (yes, its a knife, although apparently, after what some people said about this artwork, it looks like a spoon. Does it??) cuts through the cap of the mushroom was inspired by all things slimy, gooey and gruesome. The rotten part of the fungi was also made to have a vein/blood vessel/root/parasitic look. You can imagine my delight when I was told we were going to dissect a pig's heart later in the year. This was done using color pencils, a black, a red and a white pen. oh well, the original's below (the pic above was slightly edited using... i forgot. Photoshop i think):

1 comment:

  1. Hellooo

    gory, gruesome and morbid as always. not to mention creative. :) You should post your pineapple pics! And do one of the whole class as we are now.

    aanyway i love pineapples and its quite sad how such cute beings are being mercilessly massacred drawing after drawing
